About Traffic Watcha

Your business will be shown to people in Canada, The United States of America, England, Jamaica, etc.

About Traffic Watcha
‘Traffic Watcha’, Jamaica’s first traffic reporting website with LIVE cameras. Our website’s high viewership has given birth to a UNIQUE Online Digital Advertising service. Traffic Watcha has gained a large following from the Jamaican public, the diaspora, and other overseas countries.
Give us your advertising image and we will promote your business to the world using our global website www.trafficwatcha.com
Your business will be shown to people in Canada, The United States of America, England, Jamaica, etc.
Our live cameras GRAB attention immediately. People are anxious to see the traffic hot spots because better routes mean saving gas and time. People in the diaspora and other countries want to see what is happening in Jamaica today.

Advertising Spots Available
Online Digital Display Advertising
Online Digital Billboard Advertising
Online Events Promotion Advertising
Ticket Sale for events ( coming soon )

Types of Display Advertising
Fixed ( Still ) image
Video or Animated images

The first company in Jamaica acted with great curiosity and courage to experiment, innovate and lead this unique idea, fusing C.C.T.V. security and traffic report.
Our creativity is bringing safer traveling by pinpointing the best route.
As great citizens, our passion comes from deep within to protect and help in ways that make life better.
Having humility, listening, and being open to new ways of thinking and doing things. We will challenge ourselves to grow and adapt to change.
Global Headquaters
Traffic Watcha Advertising is a web-based platform operating under ESJ Group, LLC a limited liability company registered in Jamaica. The ESJ Group, LLC is in the business of advertising, electronic security systems installation and food products. The company has been in operation for the past fifteen ( 17 ) years.
Kingston, Jamaica WI