Free live real-time traffic monitoring cameras in Kingston. Show your business globally by sponsoring an online digital advertisement for your business.

Who We Are
Meet Traffic Watcha’s all-in-one Solutions Kingston Live Cameras
Traveling in Kingston? We provide Free live real-time traffic monitoring cameras. These cameras monitor major intersections for traffic jams. This service is offered FREE to all. For businesses wanting to grow market share in Jamaica, the United States, Canada, and Europe talk to us about sponsoring an online digital advertising spot.
Currently, we are offering value-added Online Digital Advertising, Online Events Promotion, and FREE Classified & Help Spot (Charity)

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will show here in these Countries.

Reach Your Ideal Customer.
Promote your Business Online here.

Outperform Your Competitors

Smarter Online Present

We're more than just live cameras.
Realize Growth with online digital advertising.
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Why online digital advertising?

ONE CLICK takes customers directly to a website or social media page.

​24 Hours advertisement display

Advertisement on our website is displayed for five ( 5 ) days or more.

Video / Animated Commercial Spots Available
Explore Our Digital Services Pricing
We love what we do, we are very passionate about our online digital advertising services.
Choose the advertising package that works for you.

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